Sunday, July 31, 2011

Incantations In Dead Tongues Now At Aquarius Records

This split is nearly sold out, and you hate ordering from you can go to Aquarius Records and purchase yourself a copy.

Here's what Existence Establishment had to say about the split:

"Here is a sick split between two artists who I’m unfamiliar with. I always enjoy hearing new stuff that peaks my interest, and there’s nothing like a good dosage of black noise to do so. First off the artwork on here is somehwere inbetween black metal and stoner ink drawings which represent the sounds accurately.

Demonologists kick things off with a mix of wall noise and creepy ambience. With song titles like Corpse Orchard and Blood Soaked Pregnancies this is a dark, soulless sound that barely comes up for air. The formula seems to be working off a searing hot core of brutal noise and adding moving ambience on the fringes of the mix. The sound here reminds me most of Existence Establishment’s own Sistrenatus & BT.HN – Exposing the Ribcage with a nice mix of wall-noise and drone. Demonologist’s formula only goes so far though, as some of the noise starts to wear thin after a while. Although it never becomes bad at any point it does suffer a bit from “vacuum cleaner” fatigue as the hallowing noise drowns out a lot of the more subtle details and can get tiring on the ears. This is about 15% ambience and 85% harsh noise, if they were to switch the percentage around it would be right in my sweet spot.

Deathstench actually does represent the right mix of ambience and noise and [they let] the textures breathe a bit more. Continuing with intense track titles like Wivesblood, Bones of the Aborted, and Putresence Upon the Altar there’s still no respite from the deep pitch black concepts here. The material brings to mind early Gruntsplatter which makes me think how it’s interesting hear artists kind of re-discovering black noise in this day and age. The production here is lo-fi but in a way that makes the recording feel gritty and weathered, so it’s not held back by this characteristic. Deathstench seems to employ a bed of churning industrial noise with washes of textured sounds piled on top, accompanied by whispering samples to form a thick core of seething industrial noise.

Of the two I enjoy the sounds of Deathstench a little more as I think the ambient qualities of this split are generally stronger than the noisier elements. Either way though, this is definitely a quality release with a consistent vision, great artwork and solid sounds from two lesser known artists. I’ll be keeping one wary eye on everyone involved with this project.

Now down to twenty copies...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Something Wicked This Way Comes

Here's a very incomplete list of projects we have in the Pipeline.



Thursday, July 14, 2011

Incantations In Dead Tongues

"Unbearable, isn't it? The suffering of strangers, the agony of friends. There is a secret song at the center of the world, and its sound is like razors through flesh."

Our first release of the year is also the most abrasive ten tracks of black chaos you could ever kill your speakers to.

INCANTATIONS IN DEAD TONGUES features DEMONOLOGISTS (Midwestern servents of Hell) and DEATHSTENCH (Destruction bent duo from Los Angeles) each offering their own take on harsh entropic black noise.

Over sixty minutes of audio destruction and limited to only 100 copies!


Blood Soaked Frequencies and WIVESBLOOD featured below.