Glass Coffin - Blood Of A Godless Moon

Blood Of A Godless Moon is pure raw Black Metal at it's finest. This release is featured in a DVD case with a hand numbered vellum inlay.limited to only fifty copies. 6.00
Available while supplies last; CD/SHIRT COMBO PACK for only 13.00usd

Heathen Harvest Review of Blood Of A Godless Moon:
The riffs on here have a really "mean" quality that I associate with classic thrash acts like early Voivod and Slayer. The second side seems to cultivate more of an old-school thrash direction for Glass Coffin, which works just as well. Lay's riffs are truly memorable and engaging, and the vocals are mysterious and threatening. This record has the feel of predatorial nights spent in the woods, with the ridiculous war shriek at the beginning of "Reflections Of The Moon In My Steel" providing a perfect foil for this image. These riffs go into overdrive with lots of wandering metal, but all of the tracks on here are quality. There is a pretty wide range of different types of Metal presented on these tracks overall. Some of the melodies seem influenced a bit by those of Rudimentary Peni, an unspoken influence on a lot of Black Metal music.
"Invokation Of The Nigh Myst" has a noise/Industrial intro that provides a welcome change of sound. It would be interesting to hear a future release by Glass Coffin that incorporated more of Josh's noise and power electronics influences, as that could really take this project over the top. As it is, Glass Coffin is very effective as an energetic and, at times morose Black Metal project if the rawest variety. It is interesting to see this label going in the direction of releasing more straight-up Black Metal material, but I would be interested to see a bit more of a cross-over as well. The final track, "Cursed" is very nice in this regard in that it finishes things off with a nice and understated piece of dark power electronics with a quiet and subdued ambient sort of sound. Great tape of raw black metal. The last few tracks are the most interesting in terms of doing something a little bit new with the genre, but overall this is a great tape that will certainly please Black Metal fans. Give this unique metal project a listen.